Volunteers’ Week takes place 1-7 June every year.
This Volunteers’ Week, we are encouraging everyone to take the time to say thank you to all volunteers! It goes without saying that volunteers have played a key role in the pandemic response. During an exceptionally difficult year, people from all walks of life around the UK have taken the time to volunteer and made a huge difference in their communities – just as they do every year.
Volunteers’ Week 2021 is a time for us to come together and thank all volunteers for their invaluable contribution.
Every day of Volunteers’ Week 2021 has a different focus:
- Tuesday 1 June – Volunteers’ Week launch: a time to say thanks
- Wednesday 2 June – the Power of Youth – #iwill campaign
- Thursday 3 June – Employer Supported and Skilled Volunteering
- Friday 4 June – Home Nations Priorities
- Saturday 5 June – Environmental and conservation (World Environment Day)
- Sunday 6 June – The Big Lunch (Eden Project Communities)
- Monday 7 June – Volunteers’ Week Close – A time to say thanks